Wilmer Elementary School Library Media Center
Jillean Wiggins
Library Media Specialist
Phone: (251) 221-1782
Email: jrwiggins@mcpss.com
Library Hours: 8:30-3:00
In order to maximize the benefit of the Library Media Center (LMC), learners must have access to resources and services at their point of need. Teachers may send students with passes during the day to utilize the LMC. All grades will visit the LMC biweekly for instruction in library skills, digital literacy, and/or collaborative projects. Makerspaces are also available for student use. The LMC is an extension of the classroom.
Popular Sites:
- OPAC- Wilmer Elementary Library- Search the Wilmer Library Media Center collection
- Alabama Virtual Library
- Renaissance- Wilmer
- Mobile Public Library
- Discovery Education